
Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

Pacaran itu Mahal

apapun itu bentuknya, pacaran itu MAHAL!! MULAI DARI CUMA NONTON DVD DI RUMAH,MUTER-MUTER DOANG ataupun pacaran jarak jauh . pernah nggak agan ngitung cost kamu pacaran? coba kite hitung ya

DVD (beli 10 gratis 1) Rp.70.000
biaya parkir beli DVD Rp. 1.000
bensin motor (pertamax 5 literan) Rp. 40.000
MARTABAK SPECIAL (sogokan bokapnya) Rp.28.000
nasi goreng (dimakan pas nonton Rp.20.000
mie goreng (emaknya minta juga) Rp.10.000
jatah preman adiknya (biar nggak rese) Rp.15.000
sekoteng (iseng abis nonton) Rp.10.000
kembang tahu (bapaknya ikut iseng) Rp.7.500
kembang tahu (8 keponakannya lg nginep) Rp.50.000
TOTAL= Rp.251.500

GOKIL!!!Nonton dvd di rumah aja agan harus ngeluarin duit 250rb? are u nutsss?!? dengan 250rb agan bisa bayar sekolah 1 BULAN


bensin mobil (30 liter, jemput ke BSD soalnya)Rp.234.000
karcis bioskop (premiere,gengsi dong) Rp.200.000
dinner (sushi lah,biar gaul) Rp.230.000
FROZEN yoghurt (dessert penambah gaul) Rp.75.000
photobox(biar ada kenang-kenangan klo kgen) Rp.50.000
pizza large (sogokan buat pulang malem) Rp.75.000
action figure (buat adiknya yg ultah) Rp.150.000
parkir (3 jam) Rp 10.000
TOTAL = Rp.1.024.000

WHAATTT?!? nonton bioskop aja sampe 1 JUTA??sick! di luar sana banyak yang bisa hidup dgn 1 juta/bulan.dan agan ngabisin dalam waktu SEMALEM??
hahaha ..royal !

Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

Listening TO 2 2011

a. She’s watering the plants
b. She’s cleaning her clothes
c. She’s taking a bath
d. She’s washing dishes
a. The desk is neat and tidy
b. The floor is covered with photos
c. The pictures are in rows on the wall
d. The equipment is stored on a shelf
a. only the woman is carrying a briefcase
b. The man in the middle is in short sleeves
c. The man on the right is the tallest
d. The woman is walking between the men
a. the square is full of people
b. The market is out of produce
c. The buildings are being turned down
d. The customers are writing in a van

5. Why don’t we take a fifteen minute break?
a. No, I didn’t break the plate
b. It’s working just fine
c. Good, I need to make a call

6. Which is better, the brown suit or the grey one?
a. Fruit is better for you
b. The grey suit looks more professional
c. It’s an old suit

7. Why did you lock to your office?
a. I need a new clock in my office
b. there was some robbery around here recently
c. It’s about a block from the office

8. Where do you keep the paper?
a. There’s some on that shelf behind the desk
b. I left the key in a door
c. I usually buy the morning paper at the corner store

9. Man : We plan to leave the office at five and go to movies, would you join us?
Woman : I would but you know I have ticket to the baseball game this evening
Man : Oh that’s right. Well, I’ll see you later at home then

10. Man : You didn’t stay at the office all night?
Woman : I did, I had a lot of work to do
Man : You must be really sleepy, why don’t you go home and get some rest

11. Woman : I’d like to order a small plain pizza
Man : Would you like that delivered or will you pick it up?
Woman : Deliver it to my office please?

12. Man : This job is the worst, isn’t it?
Woman : I know I shouldn’t complain but things could be better
Man : I don’t think so, I’ve never had a more interesting job than this one

13. When you get your test, please write your name at the top, write your name in capital letters before you do anything else, be sure you read the direction carefully before you answer the question. Make sure you mark your answer on the answer sheet. If you don’t have a pencil let me know, when you have finished, turn in your test and then you may go home.

14. At the end of last interviews, job seekers have the opportunity to ask question. It’s very few take advantage of this moment to learn more about the job. Remember you also want to find out whether the company and the job are right for you. It’s a good idea to ask as result expected from the position, you may want to know how job performance is evaluated.

15. Is your company looking to hire skilled computer technicians? Do you want to hire technicians who’ve been trained with static of art equipment? Look no more, graduates of the computer technology institute are highly trained and skilled technicians able to handle all your routine technical problems, all institute graduates are eligible to become certified computer technicians, hire one today.

Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Sandal jepit untuk pelajar SMK

Berita sandal jepit di indonesia sudah mendunia

Kasus sandal jepit di indonesia Mendunia .Indonesia memiliki simbol ketikdakadilan baru: sandal jepit. Begitulah berita-berita dari media asing. Aksi pengumpulan sandal jepit, baru atau lawas, pun mendunia.

Aneka judul menghiasi media massa asing, mulai media Singapura hingga AS. Ada yang memberi judul "Indonesians Protest With Flip-Flops", "Indonesians have new symbol for injustice: sandals", "Indonesia's Flip-Flop Revolution", "Indonesians dump flip-flops at police station in symbol of frustration over uneven justice", maupun "Indonesians fight injustice with sandals".

Koran Indonesia edisi Rabu (4/1/2012) juga tak kalah garang. Sejumlah koran menjadikan tebaran sandal jepit bekas di atas meja, yang dijepret dari ketinggian, sebagai foto utama di halaman satu.

Sandal jepit mendunia gara-gara kasus penganiyaan yang menimpa AAL, pelajar SMK berusia 15 tahun pada November 2010. Briptun Ahmad Rusdi yang indekos di Jl Zebra, Palu, geram karena sandalnya berulang kali hilang. Saat "diinterogasi" pada Mei 2011, AAL mengaku dia dan teman-temannya sebagai pencuri sandal-sandal itu. Saat "interogasi", AAL mengaku terjadi pemukulan.

Orangtua AAL tidak terima sehingga melaporkan Briptu Ahmad Rusdi ke Propam Polda Sulteng. Kasus ini juga bergulir ke pengadilan. Mabes Polri berdalih, orangtua AAL-lah yang justru ingin membawa kasus ini ke pengadilan sehingga mendudukkan AAL sebagai terdakwa.

Jaksa dalam dakwaannya menyatakan AAL melakukan tindak pidana sebagaimana pasal 362 KUHP tentang Pencurian dan diancam 5 tahun penjara. Sementara itu, Polda Sulteng telah menghukum polisi penyaniaya AAL. Briptu Ahmad Rusdi dikenai sanksi tahanan 7 hari dan Briptu Simson J Sipayang dihukum 21 hari.

Pemberitaan media tentang kasus ini menarik perhatian Budhi Kurniawan untuk membuka posko "seribu sandal jepit" sebagai solidaritas ketidakadilan yang menimpa AAL. Posko di Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI), Jl Teuku Umar, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, ini saat ini telah menerima 600 pasang sandal jepit aneka ukuran.

Nenek Djubaidah yang berusia 60 tahun, bahkan rela menyewa Mikrolet untuk mengangkut 80 pasang sandal yang dikumpulkannya dari para tetangganya.

"Awalnya saya lihat kasus ini di televisi. Saya kasihan. Saya hanya minta keadilan bagi AAL karena sebagai polisi walau ada wewenang juga harus sadar diri. Kalau keluarga polisi yang seperti itu bagaimana? Apa dia tidak minta keadilan. Jadi jangan mentang-mentang orang kecil kan bisa panggil orang tuanya," kata Djubaidah yang mengenakan baju kebaya warna biru, Selasa (3/1).

Gara-gara masalah sandal yang tak seberapa mahal ini, Mabes Polri dibuat sibuk. Mereka menggelar jumpa pers hari Selasa kemarin. Bahkan Kapolri juga harus melayani pertanyaan wartawan tentang sandal jepit ini.

Dan kini Berita Kasus Sandal Jepit Nongol di Washington Post
Di sela berita soal mulai panasnya politik Amerika Serikat menjelang pemilihan presiden, menyeruak berita yang 'menyegarkan', kasus pencurian sandal jepit di Indonesia. Dalam tulisannya, media sohor AS ini mengangkat sandal jepit yang mereka tulis sebagai 'simbol baru untuk frustrasi mereka akan keadilan'.

"Ini gila," kata Titis Anissa, seorang guru sekolah menengah di ibukota, Jakarta, yang dikutip sebagai narasumber dalam tulisan itu. Ia mencatat bahwa pejabat pemerintah yang jelas-jelas bersalah menjarah kas negara masih dibiarkan 'melenggang' jalan-jalan ke luar negeri. "Ini seorang anak, muda miskin mengambil sepasang sandal seharga $ 3? Cukup sudah!"

Media ini menuliskan kronologi pencurian sandal jepit yang dilakukan AAL sepulang dari sekolah di Palu, ibukota Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, pada November lalu. Ia kemudian diinterogasi dan dipukuli oleh tiga petugas, dan dihadapkan pada hukuman hingga lima tahun penjara jika terbukti bersalah, hukuman yang sama yang diberikan kepada banyak teroris, pengedar narkoba, dan pemerkosa.

Pada bagian lain tulisan itu, media ini menyoroti perubahan politik Indonesia pasca-Suharto. Berbagai perubahan dilakukan, tulisnya, tetapi sistem peradilan tetap menjadi titik lemah.

Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

Conditional Sentences

Yuk kita belajar kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentence)! ini dia videonya>>

Rabu, 23 November 2011

listening script TO 1 - 9 februari 2011

listening section try out 1 tanggal 9 Februari 2011 Kota Bogor
Part I
a. The customers are choosing the table
b. The waitress is wearing in apparent
c. The dinners are looking their menus
d. The waiter is writing a check

a. The school teacher is teaching Math
b. The technician is wiring a circuit board
c. The designer is drawing a diagram
d. The accountant is explaining a chart

a. The passengers are on time for the flight
b. The movie posters are above the entrance
c. The clock is above the posters
d. The rack is in the middle of the street

a. The car to line about the station
b. The park is covered with leaves
c. The buses are parked outside the building
d. The terminal is under construction

Part II
Question and response

5. Could you recommend someone for the position?
a. over to the left
b. I recommend you get 4
c. None I know could do the job

6. How can I make more money?
a. get a better paying job
b. she receives the check for five hundred dollars
c. Yes, I can make it for you

7. Is it true that John was fired?
a. she gave her assistant a raise
b. over four hundred acres were destroyed by fire
c. that what everyone says

8. Where should we store this equipment?
a. The store is closed today
b. there’s a space in the back office
c. we’ll equip the team with new rackets

Part III
Short conversation

9. Man: We’re having a lunch on Friday for Uta and Rachel
Woman: What’s the occasion? Were they promoted?
Man: On a contrary, they’re both leaving the company, they accepted new jobs.

10. Man1: They have been a number of accidents involving pedestrian recently.
Man2: I’m not surprise. Do white people obey in this city?
Man1: Nobody obeys the traffic laws.

11. Man: I’m getting too many emails, I can’t read them all.
Woman: If you don’t know the writer, delete the email!
Man: That’s a good idea. I’ll read all the messages from the people I know

12. Man: I haven’t had any coffee or soda now for three days
Woman: That’s wonderful. I should have less caffeine as well. It makes me nervous
Man: You’re telling me. I almost yell to James, and he didn’t do anything

Part IV
Short talks

13. Good afternoon and welcome to the grand opening of grand department store. Here is a coupon for a free drink in our cafĂ©, we’re opened until 9 this evening, and there will be music and entertainment from 7 to 9 today only, everything in the store is 15 % off listed price, in addition if you apply for a grand account, you will receive an additional 10 % discount. Enjoy your shopping!

14. My name is Bob. First I’ll give you a tour of the facility and then we can talk about prices. I see you’re interested in tennis and swimming, so let’s go out to the court first, we have ten outdoor and five indoor courts and during peak time of reservation our recommended. Our club professional gives private lesson and offers an open clinic on Saturday morning, the club team starts competition on early April. Next to the front desk we have a pro-shop where you can purchase equipment and clothes. We’ll go down the stairs now to the swimming pool.

15. This Friday from 10 to 1, we will be conducting our annual diversity training. Diana Sanchez will be directing the program. She’s divided the employees in two teams, she will have the team lists on Friday, before Friday, each of you should read through the package of materials that replace in your mail boxes today. The first session will last for three hours and will end be followed up with two sessions on subsequent Fridays.

Senin, 14 November 2011

listening script UAS B.Inggris Kota Bogor 2010

Listening Script UAS December 2010
Part I
a. He’s writing an article for publication
b. He’s reading a newspaper on the train
c. He’s combing his hair without a mirror
d. He’s grinding some paper

a. The monitor is on the desk
b. The circuits are in the box
c. The wires run along the wall
d. The diagram is in the folder

a. They’re wearing eyeglasses
b. They’re putting on their coats to leave
c. They’re buying a new tie for the meeting
d. They’re getting a haircut

Part II
Question and response
4. Why don’t you go to the doctors?
a. It’s only a headache
b. The boats at the dock
c. I want to be an actor

5. Look! A coupon for a free meal, let’s go!
a. You go alone, I don’t like that restaurant
b. There’s only 5 minutes left
c. I look everywhere for the wheel

6. Would you like a queen size bed for the twin room?
a. my daughter has twin boys
b. We prefer one large bed, thank you
c. this size dress doesn’t come in red

7. Could you tell me how to get to the bus station?
a. It’s two blocks from here just turn right at the main street
b. Bus no. 42 goes directly to the airport
c. I think 98.7 is much better station

Part III
Short conversation

8. Woman: Have you tried this shrimp? It’s so good
Man : Actually, I don’t care for seafood
Woman: Really, what kinds of food do you like?
Man : anything but seafood
Woman: You’re funny, by the way, my name’s Emily
Man : Great to meet you Emily, I’m Luke

9. Man : If I have a problem with computer
Woman: call me! I can answer your technical question from Monday through Saturday
Man : or I’ll send you an email

10. Woman: Good Afternoon, Top Auto Service, how can I direct your call?
Man : I want to check on a 2000 Volkswagen that I brought in this morning
Woman: Let me transfer you to that department

11. Man : Taking the train is much better than flying
Woman: It’s more relaxing and more convenient, city center to city centre
Man : You should like an advertisement for the railroad

Part IV
Short Talk

Talk for the question no. 12-13
The time is 6.30. you are on 92.7. Thanks for turning in to each your business today, we’re talking with Diego Baral. Mr. Baral is the new director of Mexico’s office of business development. As you know, Mexico is fast becoming a centre of the telecommunication industry. Mr. Baral’s job is to try to attract more high-tech business to Mexico. At the end of our discussion, we will be talking phone calls from listener. Now a little something about you Mr. Baral, I understand that before coming to the office of business development, you work in public relation for multinational companies in South America and Europe. It was due to you, I understand that Vein Oil Company did not go under during the economy crisis in Venezuela. You’ve been at the office of business development for two months now and already three companies have signed leases in Mexico’s new technology district. We’re very pleased to have you here with us today and now let’s start with question from our guest panelist.

Talk for question no. 14-15
Welcome to the Park Hotel. It will take just a moment to get your room key. For your security, the key does not have a number on it. So please remember your room number. Why you’re waiting, let me tell you something about some of our offering. We serve a complementary buffet style breakfast in the lobby from 6 to 10 a.m. Make sure to visit our four stars restaurant, Jane’s, which is opened until 11 p.m. We can give you recommendation for Local restaurant and historical landmark. The front desk is opened 24 hours, if you have any questions

Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

Coca cola ternyata beralkohol?

Benarkah Salah Satu Bahan Dasar Coca Cola Adalah Alkohol?
Anda tentu sudah tidak asing lagi dengan minuman ringan yang satu ini, Coca Cola. DAri orang tua, muda, anak-anak, laki-laki, wanita di semua negara hampir pasti mengenalnya.

Nah, tadi pas kebetulan kami browsing, menemukan sebuah (fakta?) yang mungkin belum banyak kita ketahui tentang bahan dasar Coca Cola. Disana disebutkan bahwa salah satu bahan dasar Coca-Cola adalah Alkohol. Ya Alhohol.

Berikut ini saya kutipkan resep dan bahan dasar pembuatan Coca-Cola:

The recipe:
Fluid extract of Coca: 3 drams USP
Citric acid: 3 oz
Caffeine: 1 oz
Sugar: 30 (unclear quantity)
Water: 2.5 gal
Lime juice: 2 pints, 1 quart
Vanilla: 1 oz
Caramel: 1.5 oz or more for color

The secret 7X flavor (use 2 oz of flavor to 5 gals syrup):
Alcohol: 8 oz
Orange oil: 20 drops
Lemon oil: 30 drops
Nutmeg oil: 10 drops
Coriander: 5 drops
Neroli: 10 drops
Cinnamon: 10 drops
Perhatikan tulisan yang ditebalkan. Alkohol? Benarkah Coca-Cola menggunakan alkohol sebagai salah satu bahan dasar pembuatan Coca-Cola?

Tulisan diatas benar adanya, saya kutipkan dari:http://gizmodo.com/5761145/coca+cola...nally-revealed

Mungkin pihak Coca-Cola bisa memberikan klarifikasi akan kebenaran hal ini?